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Showing posts with label health tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health tips. Show all posts
  • How to get rid of black lips - Black lips pink in just 5 days

    Dear readers, today we will know how to remove dark lips. Because lips are one of the symbols of the beauty of our face, many of us feel bad if the lips are abnormally black inside our face.
    How to get rid of black lips - Black lips pink in just 5 days

    In today's post we will know how you can remove black lips. So let's know how to make black lips pink in just 5 days.


    Humans are the best creatures in creation. Humans are beautiful in nature. Humans have many parts in their bodies. These include human hands, feet, head, body, face and other parts that are related to the human body. However, the main part of the human body is the face and head, and the main part is the human face through which people express language.

    And as a means of expressing this language, lips act as the main carrier. People express their language by moving their lips. But with one thing in mind that someone's lips are black and someone's lips are pink. They can be due to different reasons, some people's lips are naturally black and some people's lips can be due to different reasons.

    Black lips can also be caused by consuming any type of intoxicants. But there are many ways to get rid of dark lips through which we can make lips beautiful pink and attractive.

    Why are lips black?

    According to the creation, people are of different colors, some are black or fair and some may be gray. People's lips will be black or fair or pink, it does not depend on the color of their skin. Lips are black or pink for various reasons. Some people have pink lips in general, but many people's lips can turn black from normal color due to many reasons. Some of these reasons are:
    • Lips become black due to sun rays.
    • Lips become black due to lack of essential vitamins.
    • Lips are also black during pregnancy.
    • Lip color changes due to environmental temperature changes.
    • If smoking products are taken by mouth.
    • Lips become black as a result of use of cosmetics and lipstick in various cosmetics.
    • It arises as a result of side effects of various drugs.
    • Sometimes the lips can become black due to tension.
    • Lips become black as a symptom of any disease.
    • Lip color can change due to various reasons such as excessive consumption of any fruit or food.

    Ways to remove black lips

    People are fans of beauty and for that people love to see themselves and others as beautiful as the beauty of people. His face is given priority and the main among them is human lips whose beauty attracts people as people speak with lips so its beauty increases for beautiful lips and beautiful speech.

    But not everyone's lip color is fair or pink and so there are many ways to make the lips beautiful, some of them are home remedies. By using which we can easily make lips beautiful and attractive. The ways to make lips beautiful and attractive are:

    If you apply milk juice on your lips while sleeping at night, the color of your lips will be beautiful within a few days.

    Applying honey and lemon juice on the lips gives good results within a few days

    Lips can also be beautified by using various moisturizers

    Those who smoke and take various intoxicants through their lips, if they abandon them, the darkening of the lips will gradually disappear

    Lips can also be pink by using toothpaste

    Sugar and butter mixed together gives beautiful lip color

    If you massage the lips well with lemon juice two to three days a week, the color of the lips will be pink

    Scrubbing with blended coriander leaves for 10 minutes removes black spots on lips

    Aloe Vera honey and lemon juice mixed together and massaged on the lips removes dark spots on the lips

    Cucumber juice can also be used to remove dark lips

    Apart from this, the lips are pink in color even if you use almond oil every day and night

    How to make boys lips pink

    Today's boys are very careful about their body and looks and so boys as well as girls take various ways and steps to make their lips beautiful and attractive. However, boys have black lips due to various reasons. Sometimes it is seen that boys have black lips due to excessive use of drugs and smoking. In addition, there are many reasons why boys' lips may be black, but currently, the methods that boys can adopt to keep their lips beautiful are:

    To remove the lip scrub, you can remove the lip scrub with the paste twice a week.

    Excessive consumption of tea and coffee should be avoided because excessive consumption of tea and coffee often darkens the lips.

    Applying lemon juice on the lips can help men get rid of chapped lips.

    Applying ice on the lips can also make the lips pink and attractive.

    Lips can be beautified by using a sugar scrub.

    Guys can also get rid of chapped lips by using Beet Road.

    When sleeping at night, make a paste of honey milk juice on the lips with a drop of lemon and apply it on the lips to make the lips beautiful.

    Black lips pink in just 5 days

    Apply the paste you use for five days a week for 5 to 6 minutes in a small amount. Use this for five consecutive days and you will see that the color of your lips has changed.

    Olive oil and custard oil are very important ingredients that you can use five days a week to notice the change in lip color.

    For lip care, if you make a paste of ripe tomatoes and toothpaste together, you can make your lips pink in three days.

    Mix aloe Vera and honey together, add a drop of lemon juice to it and apply it on your lips overnight and see if you apply it five days a week, your lips will become bright and pink in color.

    Mix the juice of a mashed potato with a drop of lemon juice and a small amount of honey and apply it on the lips and see the results in three days.

    Mix cucumber paste and a small amount of honey together and massage it on your lips for 10 to 15 minutes. If you use this for 5 days, your lips will change color.

    Cream is the way to make lips pink

    All the creams you will use to make your lips pink and beautiful are:

    SCRU cream lips scrub

    Aichun Beauty pink lips 30g

    Liac premium lip balm

    Cherish Herbal lip scrub Organic exfoliating sugar scrubs

    Bioaqua pink cherry cream 30g

    Romantic bear lip scrub cream

    Tattoo lipstick


    These creams must be used as per the advice of a dermatologist. Because every medicine has side effects which can harm you due to wrong use. Therefore, to use the right cream in the right order, take the doctor's advice and then use it and must know the amount and level of use of all these creams. As a result, if any side effects occur, then definitely stop using the cream immediately and consult an experienced doctor.


    Since lips are the only symbol of human beauty, we should be interested in keeping lips beautiful and taking care of lips because if we don't know the right rules to keep lips beautiful. Sometimes it can be counterproductive to keep the lips beautiful, we can follow the above rules. Which by using the right rules, our lips will be beautiful and attractive only by following the rules and adopting the right way.

    Because of this, we can increase the beauty of our lips. All the foods that make the lips dark or make the condition of the lips worse by using cosmetics must be abandoned, otherwise it is never possible to make the lips beautiful.


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